
Tarot cards divination

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Tarot cards divination on is one of the most popular methods of fortune-telling, which was known even in the Renaissance. Tarot - this is not just a card spread, but a combination of knowledge, skills and intuitive feelings hidden in the depths of the mind.

 Tarot is an opportunity to open the veils of the past, present, near or far future. This kind of divination allows you to understand the situation, to find a solution of the problem or its cause.

 There are many ways of playing Tarot cards. Each of these methods is unique, and has different spreads depending on a particular subject or question posed. In order to get clear answers, the tarologist has to study intently each card, to understand its meaning, as well as a combination of different meanings.

 Hereditary clairvoyant, psychic and tarologist Helena is ready to help you. Why do people come to me?


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Master number 11.


Master number 11 brings higher instinct and profound understanding, heavenly capacities, expanded awareness, as well as compassion, and regular knowledge. The number eleven is an indication of colossal power - both mental and physical. Plus, this is the main expert number from a sum of three (11, 22, and 33). This number is the foundation of any remaining expert numbers.


The holder of this lifeway number is viewed as a well-grounded person, not just due to their one-of-a-kind capacities, the outrageous capacity to relate comprehend and regard others, however, the principal reason is extremely experienced thinking. A youngster with this expert number may just be 12 years of age, however, their perspective might be like that an individual who is sixty years of age.




People with Master Number 11 are magnificent to work with a pendulum; they have prophetic capacities, dreams, and can visualize early hardships or mishaps. Keep in mind their instinct and inward voices. This individual might be a prophet or healer and has the natural capacity of nonverbal correspondence (clairvoyance). They have a great deal of profound encounters.


Because of their high awareness, responsiveness, and power, people with this number might be presidents, legislators, directors, specialists, journalists, or other high-positioning people.

Life mission.



Eleven is the quantity of motivation and illumination. Envision a flame (image of light). Individuals with Master Number 11 have a mission to help other people and mean to show the splendid side of life. Ace number 11 is made out of two candles; the primary candle is a holder of this expert number, and the subsequent candle is the individual who gets the light.


Individuals on this way have gigantic dreams that might appear to be impossible. Their lord number opens up admittance to numerous thoughts and ideas. They ought to learn more persistence, serenity, and enough assess their feelings and vibrations, basically on the grounds that feelings and vibrations make our existence.


They are the holders of light, euphoria, benevolence, and fellowship. They have an extraordinary capacity to relate, then again, they are likewise truly helpless. Each of this causes high awareness.


The number eleven addresses a bolt pointing upwards. Individuals with this life way number are exceptionally aggressive and accomplish fast heights yet, in addition, quick decays. Be that as it may, these people are truly versatile, inventive, and clever.


Negative angles


The high responsiveness (extreme touchiness) and workaholism - they invest more energy working than unwinding. Other negative angles incorporate the absence of time for their own requirements, sleep deprivation, and an excess of transparency. These people likewise will generally assume all the liability on their own shoulders. Now and again, the isolation and extreme touchiness might add to self-destructive inclinations.


They have an expanded inclination for propensities like cigarettes, liquor, and, surprisingly, delicate medications.


Positive angles


With 11 in your outline, you can manage complex circumstances smoothly - you have general information and have close to zero familiarity with everything. It resembles having a finger in each pie. Your most huge benefits are regard, sympathy, grasping others and their concerns, flexibility, relentlessness, feeling of request, and monstrous capacity to profoundly see others more.


Another element is tremendous inventiveness. Your life is exceptionally changed - you have an incredible should be unique and stand apart from the group. Many individuals see you as an extraordinary wellspring of motivation. What's more, they have motivation to do as such.


People with a Master Number 11 love and seek freedom. They are very hardworking and able to work overtime only for success and internal satisfaction. They do everything possible to make both themselves and the people around them feel good.

They are great observers, love nature, animals, as well as modern technology, or civil transport – namely aircraft, which gives them a sense of freedom and independence. They have no problem with shutting off their brain for a while. They believe in goodness and try to see things from different perspectives.


Love and sex life

Loyal, sensual, attractive, passionate – a person who loves gentleness, slow foreplay, and romance. They put in their relationships all the energy and effort, and try to understand the needs of their partner. Even freedom has its place in the relationship.

They are not the type of person who immediately jumps into the depths. When it comes to relationships, they stroll along the shore and seek more information about their potential partner; however, that does not mean that they avoid one night stand sex or short-term relationships.


Even though they prefer gentler sex games, their imagination is much more advanced than you thought. They are very creative in intercourse and can always surprise you with something new or unexpected. They may seem undersexed or unpassionate, but the opposite is true.

Verbal praise or a compliment has for them far more value than a tangible gift.


Work and business


Individuals brought into the world with Master Number 11 love working, funds, perhaps stock trade, global relations, and business. They see cash as an equivalent word of satisfaction. Much of the time, they are independently employed and don't have to live under the control of someone else or organization. This opportunity is reflected every which way (work, connections, individual life).


They can likewise succeed in the field of workmanship - painters, photographic artists, planners, journalists, or vocalists. Individuals with Master Number 11 enjoy a significant benefit, as they can work and prevail in a few fields immediately. They can accomplish as much work as they need, as a matter of fact. They have an intrinsic capacity to complete a few errands, side interests, or different exercises simultaneously.



Celebrities with Life Path Number 11


Edgar Allan Poe, Barack, and Michelle Obama, Orlando Bloom, Madonna, Sir Peter John Cosgrove, Gwen Stefani, Chetan Kumar, Paris Hilton, Allan Robert Bell, Wesley Snipes, Prince Charles, Michael Jordan, Jackie Kennedy, Tony Blair or Whoopi Goldberg.


Step by step instructions to ascertain your life way number


Your life way number depends on the date of your introduction to the world. Basically diminish every unit of your introduction to the world date (day/month/year) to a solitary digit number or an expert number. See models underneath:


fourth August, 1961 = 4+8+1+9+6+1=29 • 2+9=11


28th July, 1947 = 2+8+7+1+9+4+7 • 3+8=11

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